Auditorium Reade, locatie Jan van Breemen
Dr Jan van Breemenstraat 2
1056 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
It is possible to attend this meeting virtually.
Registration fee
Members of EULAR/EACVI/SCMR: 50,- euro, other 75,- euro.
After your registration, you will receive an invoice. We ask you to pay within two weeks after registration
At the end of the event all participants need to complete the evaluation form to finally receive CME credits and the certificate. This course is endorsed by EULAR, SCMR and EACVI. The imaging working group is actively involved
The Netherlands Society of Cardiology (NVVC): 8 points;
Rheumatologists (NVR), radiologists (NVvR): pending
Sickmann Congres Organisatie
Erik Sickmann
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.